
National Smallholders Spring Festival

National Smallholders Spring Festival

This is a sale that I have supported since it started some 5 years ago on the Royal Welsh Showground at Builth Wells. . Although the auctioneer had to work hard, and prices were generally back from last year's very successful sale, I was very satisfied with the prices that I achieved. A quartet of Cream Legbars that included my 2 year old stock cockerel and 3 yearling hens fetched £22 per head; Cuckoo Marans hatched in February 2012 having laid consistantly since February made £20 per head and the Nordfolk Greys made £18 per head. I took both Cuckoo Maran anb Cream Legbar hatching eggs and although the Marans made over £1 per egg the Cream Legbars were only  just over 50 pence, but the eggs were very high quality and I am sure they helped to sell the hens.  

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